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Making An Impact On The Crooked Path


Updated: Dec 2, 2024

Taking Initiative Pays Off. It Is Hard to Visualize Someone As A Leader If They Are Always Waiting To Be Told What To Do - Sheryl Sandberg - Philanthropist, Author

I think of the impact of the experiences that I have had, and those that I have witnessed, where initiative was shown.  Taking initiative is not just showing up, although that may take some initiative if you have been sitting on your couch or sitting back waiting for things to happen. 

It takes initiative to apply for and get a job, but it doesn’t end there.  Once you get the job,

initiative is not just showing up for work.  That is expected.  Taking initiative is how you show up and how you approach your job.  It is not just doing the job.  it is a commitment to achieving excellence in the work that you do.  It is not just about fulfilling the basic responsibilities.  It is about going the extra mile.  Think of the Triangle of Change.  It all comes down to Desire, Motivation, and Action.  The desire to do your best by showing up with the right attitude.  The motivation to do whatever you can to learn and contribute.  Then turning that all into action, as you do your best.  This continuous cycle of Desire, Motivation, and Action propels you forward.  The same approach applies to anything you do.    

Taking initiative isn’t waiting for the engine light to come on in your car before you take it in for an oil change or maintenance.  It is being an active participant in taking care of your vehicle.  Including being aware of maintenance schedules and adhering to them.  Fueling, washing, and caring for your vehicle properly.  It comes down to looking after those things that are important to you, and are of value, so you maintain their value and they last.  This approach doesn’t just apply to your car.  Many of us know, or have known, someone who does not look after their vehicle, inside or out.  Dirty, rusty, gas tank running on empty, and the inside looks like a garbage can.  Whether they like it or not, the status of their car says a lot about them or about what is currently going on in their lives.  

Taking initiative in your marriage isn’t just going to work, coming home, paying the bills, and living under the same roof.  It is about showing sincere interest in your partner.  Being the first one to ask about their day, or how they are.  Be the listener, rather than the talker.  Make promises and commitments to each other and keep them.  Have hard conversations.  Go out on dates.  Live your wedding vows daily.

Taking initiative isn’t just reading a self-help book.  It is applying what you have learned.

Testing.  Trying something different.  It is about taking responsibility for your own learning and growth.  Taking initiative is leaning into discomfort, and not living inside your comfort zone.

I have said that my parents encouraged my brothers and I to take initiative.  That causes you to stand out.  We were encouraged to cut a neighbor's lawn if they were away on vacation.  To do well at school.  To write letters to our out-of-town relatives just to let them know we were thinking about them.  To check in on someone if we had not heard from them in a while.


After my experience in Sales, I would eventually make my way back to the Canadian Postal Service, where I would spend my entire working career for thirty-eight years.  The Postal Service was going through extensive change during that time.  In 1981, the Canada Post Corporation Act was passed by the Canadian Parliament, which essentially turned the Post Office Department into Canada Post.  Changing it from a government department funded by taxpayer money into a Crown Corporation.  The mandate of Canada Post included the requirement to become self-sustaining.  In other words, profitable and not reliant on taxpayer money.  Other mandates included improving service, improving labor relations, along with other things.  This was a major task given that the Post Office Department lost close to a billion dollars prior to becoming Canada Post.  Service was largely unreliable, labor stoppages were rampant, and the relationship between labor and management was toxic, and void of trust.  Throw in all the other changes that were happening in the economy, industry, technology, and society at the time...  Things that everyone and other companies were dealing with as well...  And life at Canada Post was anywhere from exciting and dynamic, to crazy and stressful.

I was a Training Officer and Instructor for much of this time, and constantly involved in change initiatives.  When there were new products, systems, and procedures, typically training would be needed and there I was, along with a network of Trainers across the country.  Most of the training was done in a classroom setting.  Most of my focus for the first few years was with training Operations Supervisors.  I then would train Customer Service employees for most of my career.  Every group had a measure of stress associated with their jobs because of things like the nature of the work, all of the changes happening, interpersonal problems with employees, and the corporate culture.   The exception would be when I trained new employees at the Customer Service Call Centre. They all were just happy and excited to have been hired.  They had not been thrown into the fire, or jaded, as yet. 

Almost everyone I encountered were happy to be away from the workplace and be in a

training class.  Not only were they happy to learn, but they saw training as being a break from an otherwise stressful workplace.  I always found the dynamic of the training sessions to be interesting.  Such a variety of people from different parts of the company, varied experience, and different backgrounds.  There was also a mixture of attitudes which would affect the classroom experience.  The new employees were always the best.  They were positive and eager.  Sometimes a little leery about what awaited them once their training was done, but in general the atmosphere was great, and that made for a positive learning environment, and that is when the best learning would take place.  Classes that included experienced employees had a different dynamic.  They brought experience to the classroom and weren’t so wide-eyed as a new employee.  They were more discerning and didn’t always take what was being instructed at face value.  Still, most were positive and eager to participate and learn.  Then there were others.  The doubters.  The negative employees who were quick to question what was being taught.  Many of them did not support the changes, and some didn’t want to be there at all. Facilitating such diverse groups was part of the challenge for me. 

Occasionally during the training, whether it be formal or informal, I would take a temperature check of how things were going with the group.  It wouldn’t take long to determine who the Initiators were, and who the Reactive people were.  Indicators were things such as how they participated, their enthusiasm (or lack thereof), how they interacted with their peers as well as myself, and the language they used.  One of the challenges for me was keeping things on track, and not having the training turn into a complaint session, as it could easily head in that direction.  And yes, some did.  


When that happened, the challenge was to get things back on track.  Depending on the subject, I usually would be successful by the end of the session.  Especially if the session lasted more than one day.  Any of the doubters would leave the sessions at least willing to try applying what they had learned.   

How did we get back on track?  For me, it was in managing the dynamic of the classroom.  I would try to make sure everyone was heard, and their concerns noted and followed up on.  I would try to encourage informal discussions in the classroom amongst the participants.  Leaders and influencers would emerge.  I would have the experienced interact with the inexperienced.  Have the more positive people interact with those were negative.  Have the curious and analytical ones interact with the skeptics and the unsure.

The Difference Between The Initiators and Reactors Was Like Night and Day

The difference between the reactive people that I instructed, and the initiators was pretty clear.  The reactive people were quick to say what was wrong.  What would not work.  Whether it be products and services, technical skills, or people skills.  They would be quick to say why this does not apply to their work environment.  Maybe somewhere else, but not here.  They would say, ”Canada Post was different”.   They would point fingers at current systems, employees, and their managers and come up with all manner of excuses as to why this would not work back in the real world.  Many of their concerns were valid.  There would be work outside the classroom that would be necessary to make things work.  No one denied that.  As the Trainer, I would present the information positively.  Many people in class  were on board with that.  But the reactors would look at some of the positive people, and often they would look at me, and say that we have to face reality.

The initiators were not just positive people.  Some of them were skeptics.  The difference

was that they were willing, and looking forward, to giving the change a try.  Let’s see how it goes.  Let’s give it our best shot.  Realizing that adjustments may have to made along the way, but they will do what they can to make it work.  They will do what is necessary.  Some would play the devil’s advocate.  Pointing out some downsides, while accepting the positive and being hopeful about the possibilities.  THAT was the reality.  They faced the reality of the current work environment and what the training was meant to support back in the workplace.  They realized the challenges.  They also realized that they had the power to choose their response to what was going on in the workplace and choose an optimistic and positive response to implement any changes.  That was the reality. 

The reality was not just having a positive attitude.  Sitting there in the classroom with a smile on their faces.  Ignoring the realities of the workplace and thinking that everything would be okay once back at work.   That would be ignoring reality.  The reality wasn’t just working hard or working faster once back in the workplace.  That is also ignoring the reality of the workplace.  That approach can result in wheel-spinning and getting to the wrong place faster.  The reality was to leave the training prepared to do whatever you can to make the change work.  Realizing the current realities of the workplace, and that change takes time.  Being positive, but also realizing there are obstacles, and being prepared to work with fellow employees to do what was necessary to make things work, and also realize that change takes time.  Thinking otherwise is accepting the idea that there is no use.  That  the workplace environment defines us, and there is nothing that we can do to change it.  

Taking initiative is what moves us forward.  It is how we positively impact our paths and our lives.  Taking initiative in all aspects of our lives.  At work, at home, with our family, with our friends, and in any other groups or organizations that we may be involved with, such as church, community clubs, charities, and other volunteer groups.  Everywhere. The imagination and ingenuity of individuals can be used to drive positive change forward in lives and organizations.  You don’t have to bow down to the current circumstances that you, your relationship, your family or your organization face.  You don’t have to be restrained by your comfort zone or the whims of your current environment.

By Taking Initiative You Are Manifesting Your Future

You are creating your future.  This is how you create what it is you want in your life.  As you do this, you are figuring things out.  You are not focused on the past.  You are trying new things.  This is a new version of yourself, and you are not doing the same things that the older version was doing.  Your habits and patterns pull you to a certain reality in your life.  But now, your beliefs are different.  Your habits are different.  You are creating new habits and patterns that are helping you manifest your desired reality.  You are willing to try new things to get to where you want to go.  And right now that may be an unknown space.  It might actually be "anywhere but here".  Don’t hold too tightly to what that space might look like.  It is from unknown spaces that you birth something new.  Often in ways that you were not anticipating.  Something surprising and even better than expected.  

You are manifesting every second of every day.  Most people don’t realize how powerful they are.  We have the ability to create the environment in which we want to live.  We have the ability to make our dreams come true.  When you don’t realize you are manifesting all of the time, you may be manifesting the wrong things.  You focus on things that you don’t want instead of the things that you do want.  Your focus is incredibly powerful.  The thoughts that you think and the things you pay attention to matter.  They are creating your life and the world around you.  Mindset matters.  It is important to align what you are thinking, so you can manifest all those things you would like in your life. 

I think back to the experience I had in my final year of university, where I was awakened to how I was being perceived by my peers in a group setting.  I described this experience in the blog, " Leaning Into Discomfort and The Crooked Path"

I was seen as someone who was disinterested, disengaged, and non-communicative.  I deserved that evaluation.  That was how I was feeling, and that is exactly what I manifested.  I shouldn’t have been surprised.  But I was surprised when I discovered the journal of my group member while doing research in the faculty library.  More appropriately, I was awakened.  My response, moving forward, was twofold.  First of all, I tried harder.  I worked harder.  Seeing light at the end of the tunnel in that I was graduating in the Spring, I made a point of being more engaged, and at least give the appearance of being interested in whatever classes I had remaining.  I would strive to be more positive and involved.  That did get me short term results.  I finished the year strong.  I graduated, and I stepped out into the workforce in my new job as Account Representative for Burroughs.  

I did some different things.  I changed my approach.  I adjusted my mindset. I believe I was successful in getting the Account Representative position because of the way in which I presented myself at the job interview.  It was in how I prepared and how I worked on my mindset in the days and weeks prior to the interview.  My marks were nowhere near being on the Dean’s List, so I believe I made up for that in terms of what they felt was my personal suitability.

A Positive Attitude And Hard Work Is Not Enough

It enables short-term results. That was my experience. Any adjustments to my mindset were not sustainable, as I was ultimately not suited for that type of work. My heart wasn't in it, and no amount of positive attitude could change that. It was not what I wanted.  After spending a year and a half with the company, it was my task to find what resonated with me.  What aligned.  I had some work to do.  But I had faith that I would make things work.  I have found that faith never fails.  Manifesting a different world than what you are used to takes time.  It requires patience and perseverance.  You need to refuse to give up.  You will eventually get there, and often in a way that you did not anticipate.  Focus on the good, and more good will grow.  This is different than just being positive.  It has more to do with gratitude.  Being thankful for all that you have, even in the face of challenging situations and not being where you want to be yet.  You have to allow it in.  There is an art to allowing.  The secret to allowing is through your gratitude and your joy.  So often we think, “I will be happy when...”.  When I get the job...  When I get the house...  When I get the relationship...  You are sitting in the lack of not having what you want, and that does not allow what you desire to manifest.  The act of allowing is being grateful and happy right now.  

Believe in yourself.  Believe in your ability to manifest exactly what you want.  If you don’t

believe, it won’t happen.  You are living proof of your manifestations.  Everything going on in your life right now?  You made it happen.  Good and bad.  You have the power because you have the power and freedom to choose, and you have made choices in your life.  

Where your attention goes, your energy flows.  Believe in it until it manifests.  Don’t overthink how it might happen.  Don’t worry about when it will happen.  Just believe it.  Allow it and let it flow in.  

I am not talking about Fantasy. Fantasies are not real, but your imagination is.  Understand the difference.  Fantasies are stories and ideas drawn from a world that does not exist.  It is the imagining of things that are impossible, or at least highly unlikely or improbable.  Think of dragons, fairies, and talking animals.  Imagination draws from your own understanding of the world and the understanding of others, and allows us to form new ideas, images, or concepts not currently present, but conceivable.  Imagination is the ability of the mind to be creative and resourceful.  Just because what you want is not right out in front of you, doesn’t mean it won’t or can’t exist.  Manifestation is real.  

Be the person who still tries.  After failure, frustration, disappointment, exhaustion, and even heartache.  Be the person who knows a new attempt could manifest a great outcome.  Your inner world affects your outer world, and that allows you to manifest.   When you let your outer world affect your inner world, you are being reactive, and you won’t manifest what you desire.  You need to realize your power.  You need to take your power back.

It All Comes Back To Your Mindset

Our thoughts and feelings flow from our mindset.  What we say and what we do flows from our mindset.  We create from our dominant thoughts.  That thing that we are thinking about more than anything else is our dominant thought.  That dominant thought could be relating to our career, our relationships, our health.  Whether the thoughts are good or bad, we create from our dominant thoughts.  If we are happy at work, we come home energized.  Stressed at work, and we come home tired and in a bad mood.  Good relationships and we feel supported and loved.  Poor relationships and we feel unsupported and misunderstood.  Good health and we feel energized in most things we do.  Poor health and we feel dragged down. 

Our dominant thoughts are like a beacon that we put out there, and as a result we get more.

What is your dominant thought?  What lens are you looking through right now?  You need to be aware of your dominant thought.  When you are aware of your dominant thought, you can start adjusting it.  This isn’t about being in denial.  It is not about being positive despite any negative feelings you might have.  You can’t experience different than what you see.  You can’t be different than what you see.  It is not about “sucking it up”, and putting a smile on your face regardless of what you see.  But it is about focusing on the good.  Focus on the good and it will grow.  Start somewhere.  With anything.  What makes you happy?  What are you grateful for?  Again, sitting in lack does not allow what you are wanting to manifest.  Focusing on one good thing is planting a seed.

To change your dominant thought, think of the exact opposite of that thought. Look for the truth in that opposite thought. Instead of “I can’t...”, think “I can...”. Think of the possibilities. That is the thought that you have to water.  It may feel awkward at first, but keep believing, and that is how you will see things shift.

Tell Yourself That What You Are Wanting Is Happening

Believe that it is on the way.  When you get into that energy, you are adapting a possibility mindset.  An abundance mindset.  You have moved away from a lack mindset.  As you hang onto the energy and belief that what you want is happening...  It is on its way...  You will create and allow the things that you desire into your life.  

Limiting beliefs are a block to the future that you want.  They tell you that you are not good enough.  That you are not capable, or that you are not worthy.  All those feelings are not in alignment with what you want.  That is an old version of you.  Outdated.  Obsolete.  There is a version of you who sees themselves as worthy and capable of all the things they would like in their lives.  You just have to get in alignment with that person.  Seeing yourself as worthy and well able allows you to be a vibrational match for these things.

Taking time to understand your dominant thoughts and patterns of behavior in your life is important.  They show you where your limiting beliefs and blockages are, but they also show you where your strengths are.  They show you what you need to overcome, but also what successes you have had.  Understanding them will help you know what you have to work on, and what strengths you have to support your journey.  What to give away, and what to keep.

The secret to moving forward and creating a life that contains more love, laughter, happiness, and fulfillment is to do things differently.  Not repeating the same patterns.  Anchoring in successful patterns and letting go of ones that no longer serve you.  You have to block all the limiting beliefs that are blocking the blessings that are ahead of you on your path.  

And because we have the Freedom to Choose, we can do all of this.  We can choose to understand our dominant thoughts, our mindsets, and our patterns.  We can see how they have led to where we are and why we are getting, or not getting, these results in our lives.  


Be mindful of the language that you use.  Flowing from our mindset, the words we use are a real indicator of whether a person is one who takes initiative or is reactive.  The language of a reactive person relieves them from any responsibility -  

  • I can’t help it.  That is just how I am 

  • I can’t do that 

  • My boss is stressing me out 

  • If only my partner was more understanding 

  • I have no choice  

Each of these phrases is communicating that there is either nothing that can be done, or there is something outside of that person that is controlling them.  This language comes from the basic mindset of having no control.  My circumstances have determined me and there is nothing I can do.  Or someone else is causing me to be this way.  The mindset of “It’s Not Me.  It Is All These Things Around Me”.  It is basically a shirking of responsibility, which often results in blame and finger-pointing.  It is not me.  It is my environment...  It is my boss... It is you. 

I became very familiar with this language.  At work, at home, and even with myself.  This language does not move you forward.  It keeps you stuck.  It causes conflict.  It causes poor relationships.  

A person who takes initiative and responsibility has entirely different language.

  • I can choose different approaches 

  • Let’s look at the possibilities 

  • I am in control of my feelings, and I can press pause before responding 

  • I can sit down and have the hard conversations with my partner 

  • I have choices 

Your thoughts, feelings, and language become a self-fulfilling prophesy.  People produce evidence to support their situation.  They remain stuck and not in control of their path.  Not owning and not having a positive impact on their path and their lives.  They blame people, situations and other external forces on their lot in life. 

If negative thoughts, feelings, and actions control what we do, it is because we have allowed them, and are allowing them, to do so.  Those who take initiative are in control of their feelings.  Their actions are based on values that move them forward. 

The number one reason why your life is not looking the way you want it to is that your mind is creating the world around you based on limitations, limiting beliefs, and restrictions that may have been imposed on you, but no longer need to be.  You need to reboot your operating system.  Rewire things and make it the way that you want it to be.  And then you have to put things in practice in order to see the results you are looking for. 

Life is not a spectator sport.  So let’s get going. 

It is time to make an impact on The Crooked Path. 


Check Your CPS (Crooked Path System) - From time to time, I will include an activity that compliments the content of my blog. My intention is to help make what I write more meaningful to you, and help you relate to your own personal journey.

Just as we have become accustomed to checking our GPS to keep us on track, see where we have been, and consider the path forward, I encourage you to check your CPS. It will help you Make That Change

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